Friday, August 24, 2012

First Full Day!

Today was another great day!  The students participated in a class building activity called "number lineups".  Each student was given a number and they had to line up in numerical order without talking.  It was fun the see them use their body language to help their friends find the right place in line.  A great community building activity!

We read two books today:  The Selfish Crocodile and Six Dinner Sid.

The students, if they wanted to, were allowed to check out a book from our classroom today.  They may keep their books as long as they need, but please encourage them to read them quickly and bring them back so other students may enjoy them.  Reading 15-20 minutes each night will give your child lots of good background knowledge and fluency practice.

We got to check out the new playground pieces on the west side of the building.  So much fun!

We started learning about communities today.  Next week we will talk about the three different kinds of communities and the attributes that every community has.  The students' homework for the weekend is to go out into our community and do something; go to a park or a store, see a movie, go for a walk, etc.  On Monday we will work together to make a list of all the things to do in Storm Lake.

Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!!

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