Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Useful Information!

Students using TEAMWORK!
This group of kids really did a great job working together.  It was a joy for me to hear them talking and laughing as they decided who was going to go first for our math game.  We will work hard all year long on teamwork. 

Second graders will soon have a surprise delivered to them!  The students are waiting with excitement and anticipation.  What do you and your second grader think it will be???  Stay tuned to find out!

Wear layers and old shoes for our up-coming field trips!
 *September 28th-Katie V., BV county Naturalist, will do a live animals program. After the program, we will walk to the Boardwalk on Little Storm Lake to looks for animal signs.
¨ October 3rd-We will go and visit the Prairie Heritage Center in Peterson.  Here we will observe the wild-life and plants of the prairie.  This will be an all day trip and school sack lunches have been ordered for all students.

 More Dates to Remember!
Tuesday, Oct. 2nd at 5:45-Family Fun Night! Come see author Julia Cook and her two sweet puppies!
  • October 12th-Early dismissal (12:25)-end of 1st quarter
  • October 23 & 25th– Early dismissals and Parent/Teacher conferences- 1-7:30 PM-  Watch for a note about this at a later date
  • October 26th– No school

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